Friday 23 October 2015

A. Identify and Agree Arts Challenge

Arts Challenge

My arts challenge is to create a film in a group by attending the BFI Film Academy. I will be creating a script, developing a storyboard, shooting a film, and editing it, along with the others in my group. I particularly want to develop my skills in screenwriting, as it is an area that I am interested in, but know very little about.

Why I Have Chosen This Arts Challenge

I chose this arts challenge because I am very interested in film, and am considering a career in the industry, although I am not too sure what I want to do yet. The BFI Academy will provide me with useful skills that I can apply to any film-making I do in the future, and teach me more about the film industry and how it works.

How I Will Achieve This Goal

I will achieve this goal through practical means, and through talks from professionals who are already in the industry. For example, there will be a talk about SFX and VFX from Ken Turner, who has worked on various computer games and on the TV series Poldark. I will also be watching a movie to help develop my critiquing skills, and be visiting the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield.

My Ambitions Within The Industry

I am very interested in the film industry, and am thinking of having a career in the industry when I am older. Currently, I am thinking about going into acting to start with and, later on, transferring into directing my own films when I have enough experience & knowledge. This is because I really enjoy acting, but also have good ideas of my own that I would like to see become films.

My Current Skills And Experience

I have made a few short films before. Me, my sister, and 2 of our friends make a film every new year. The films (so far) have not been particularly good, although they get better each year. I also go to a summer camp and do a film workshop there, where we work in groups to create a film. This year I also started doing my media A-Level course, and so far I have made a preliminary task with another person in my class. All of these things have given me skills in filming, acting and editing. The summer course has also taught me about third lines when planning shots, and the A-Level has taught me about shot types and storyboarding. I also have done drama for as long as I can remember, and am doing a Theatre Studies A-Level. My strengths are in acting and choosing shot types. My weaknesses are in screenwriting, storyboarding, and anything technical to do with cameras and sound.

What I Would Like To Improve / Learn

I would really like to learn how to screenwrite, as I have been writing since I was a child but never in a film scenario. I would also like to learn about the technical side to film - mainly cameras, lighting and sound - as I am not very good at using technology with more than two buttons. I also want to improve my editing skills, as I have not edited very much, but have found it enjoyable when I did.

Specific Skills I Want To Develop

As well as the technical skills, I would also like to develop some personal skills. The main skill I want to develop is my confidence, both in making films and in communication. I am not a particularly confident person, and I really want to develop a stronger confidence in myself. I also want to develop my skills in working with people who I don't know and who are different to the people I normally work with. These skills would both help me in the future, no matter what I choose to do next.

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