Friday 30 October 2015

B. TV and Planning - Day 5

28th October

We started out our day with a presentation about the TV industry from Nick O'Dwyer, an executive at Landmark Films. He talked to us about the TV business, especially relating to documentaries. I had never really considered working in the TV industry, but I now think that it is definitely something worth thinking about. However, if I did make documentaries, they would be about less scary people than Nick had interviewed, as some of the situations he had been in seemed terrifying to me.

We then began thinking about our personal development plan. This was useful as it gave my brain some time to process everything we had looked at throughout the previous sessions. However, I found it very difficult to put all my ideas and dreams into order, as I am still uncertain as to what I want to do when I am older. As a result, my mindmap was very confused and all over the place.

After lunch, we got into our groups and continued to plan for shooting on Friday. Me, Reuel, Kiira and Tascha organised the shooting of the film, whilst Nick and Anton sorted out the technical side. Whilst the boys decided on cameras and equipment, we finalised our shots, sourced our props and costumes, did a risk assessment and wrote out our shooting schedule. By the end of the session, we had our shoot completely planned out, and everything ready for Friday.

After this, we were given time to plan out what we were doing for our Leadership Skills section. I planned out what I would be doing and what I would need.

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