Wednesday 18 November 2015

LEADERSHIP: Leading Successfully

To make the activity successful, I first had to make sure that it would be enjoyable. I had to discover what people already knew, as it would be boring if they knew what I was teaching them. I also had to make it interactive, so that they did not just sit there while I lectured at them. I did this by getting them to guess what the shots would be used for, and by getting them to recreate the shots themselves. I also had to make sure that the presentation made sense. I did this by getting my parents to read it over first, to check that it all made sense. I also decided to do the presentation on something simple, as the people I was presenting to were younger than me and knew less about film than I did. These things helped my presentation be interesting, understandable, accessible, and a success overall.

LEADERSHIP: My Evaluation

Overall, I think the session went well. My session was interesting and enjoyable, and the people really liked getting to take their own pictures. I think it was good overall, however there were a few awkward pauses when people weren't giving their ideas, plus at times I felt as if I was just relying on them to give answers. To improve this, I think I should have just talked when explaining the camera shots instead of letting them guess before I told them. I think the taking pictures part was the most successful, as they all enjoyed it and it gave them the opportunity to try the shots out themselves. I could have improved as well by knowing what I was going to say before I said it, as me not knowing led to several pauses. I also wish I had gotten someone to click the slides onward, as it would have freed me up and meant that I wouldn't have to turn around and interrupt the flow of the session. Despite these things, however, i think the session was a success, and I am very pleased with how it went.


Below are some pictures of some feedback forms and a handout I collected after the session.


Here is a video of the session I ran for the leadership section of the award:

Here are the pictures that one of the groups took during the session:

Extreme Long Shot
Long Shot
Extreme Close-up

LEADERSHIP: Practical Issues

I have decided to do my session on shot types and camera angles at my church's youth group. I have decided to start by going over camera shots and angles, and what they mean. I will then give them toys to use as models, and have them take photos in groups replicating the shots/angles. When they're finished, I will collect feedback from them in the form of a questionnaire, and will look at them to find how I can improve for any future sessions I do. The session will be filmed by the leader of the group. Below is my plan and risk assessment.